Voice Lessons

Voice lessons are a great way to build confidence.
Whether you dream of singing professionally or just want to shine at karaoke, we can help you improve your vocal technique.
Voice lessons teach you proper technical command, which is important to singing in tune.
Proper voice technique is universal in all vocal styles. Singing with bad technique can lead to pitch problems, vocal problems (such as vocal nodules) or even worse, bad singing.
Students in voice lessons learn how to sing with proper breath support by breathing from the diaphragm, which maximizes and economizes airflow through the vocal chords.
Voice FAQs
What age is appropriate to start voice lessons?
We recommend that children start voice lessons at age 8 or older, and that children 8-10 years of age take voice and piano lessons together. Of course, it’s never too late to start voice lessons and singing makes a great hobby for adults.
Will I learn how to sing with my chest voice or head voice?
Everyone can sing in both their chest voice and head voice. In voice lessons, you will learn how to sing and manage the break in your voice where you head voice or high register and your chest voice or low register meet. Once you are able to confidently switch between your high and low registers you will be able to perform songs that cover a much wider range than you imagined.
See our Frequently Asked Questions for general questions about taking lessons at Elmhurst Music Academy.
Phone: 630-518-9500 /
Email: info@elmhurstmusicacademy.com /
611 N York Road Elmhurst, IL 60126