Guitar Lessons

It’s easy to see why guitar is one of the most popular instruments in the world.
The guitar is portable, sounds good alone or with accompaniment, and is easy to sing and play at the same time.
We teach students to think like musicians, not just guitarists. Our guitar programs in Elmhurst and Chicago emphasize traditional reading and musicianship while incorporating new modern music to keep students interested and motivated. One thing that makes our guitar lessons program unique is the ability of teachers to use traditional note reading and modern music to motivate and instruct students.
Guitar FAQs
What age is appropriate for learning guitar?
Children can start guitar lessons at 5 years old (4 in some cases.) Guitar is also the most popular choice for adults looking to learn a new instrument and makes a great hobby.
Can I learn on electric or acoustic?
Yes. If you are beginner we recommend starting on acoustic but we offer lessons in both.
Do students need to have their own guitar?
In order to get the most out of lessons you need to have your own instrument and bring it to lessons.
What if I don’t have a guitar yet?
We can make quality recommendations for you either at a scheduled trial lessons or via email prior to the first lesson. Children under the age of 12 need to have custom sized guitars for their body types.
See our Frequently Asked Questions for general questions about taking lessons at Elmhurst Music Academy.
Phone: 630-518-9500 /
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611 N York Road Elmhurst, IL 60126